So... I'm a 25 year old, fit, healthy Melbournian girl... and I just thought I'd give myself a challenge; I've decided to go 77 days carb free! Well, 'carb' free is impossible, so I'm going 'refined-carb' free (processed carbs)....

Details of what I can & can't have are listed here... Also, I will allow myself the odd 'treat' if I'm out to dinner etc. But will NOT treat myself with maccas just coz I'm hung-over!!

Feel free to pass on some low-carb recipes for me... I'll be posting some good ones that I discover :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One week until Lift-off!!

No, I don't mean that weird faceless puppet 'lift-off' that we used to watch on TV as kids...

I mean, I have ONE WEEK left of eating the things that I LOVE!!

There are a few foods that I'm going to be fine going without, like chocolate, coz I don't eat much of it.. But then there are foods like BREAD *drool* that I looooooooove, this means
NO toast :(
NO salad sandwiches
NO homemade pizzas :( and
NO garlic bread :(
Ohhh GOD! What have I gotten myself into? Those are my FAVOURITE things!

On the bright side I do still get to have Chicken Salad, Roast, Soup and Baked Potatoes :) PHEW!!
I have a week to go, and tonight I'm eating fresh roasted-vegie soup... with 2 pieces of toast.... Next week, it'll be just soup... with oxygen.. and water...

I am not going to binge on bread this week, coz that'll just make my cravings twice as homo next week... So, I'm going to try to ease off....
Untill day 1..... Stay classy!

1 comment:

  1. if i can crawl through a mindfield with only a knife between me a death, by george i can do this too! but can i do it and quit smoking?
