So... I'm a 25 year old, fit, healthy Melbournian girl... and I just thought I'd give myself a challenge; I've decided to go 77 days carb free! Well, 'carb' free is impossible, so I'm going 'refined-carb' free (processed carbs)....

Details of what I can & can't have are listed here... Also, I will allow myself the odd 'treat' if I'm out to dinner etc. But will NOT treat myself with maccas just coz I'm hung-over!!

Feel free to pass on some low-carb recipes for me... I'll be posting some good ones that I discover :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Month: Check!

Forgive me readers; it's been 2 weeks since my last confession. My bad.

And what an eventful 2 weeks it's been!! And yes... I have carb-y sins to confess....
But first I should tell ya'll that I'VE TOTES LOST 3KG'S!! I'm not really one to weigh myself often (I don't even own scales) but I need to be weighed before every time I donate blood. I donated the week before I started this (I weighed 67kg; this number shocked me and was the driving force behind me starting this whole thing) And when I was weighed last week, I weighed 64kg. Woot!!

Last Monday was my birthday, hazzahhhh, and I said I'd give myself days off for "special events". However, my mum cooked a lovely carb-free dinner/dessert on my birthday eve, and my housemate cooked an excellent carb-free dinner/dessert on my birthday! So I felt no need to load up... however, the weekend that followed was a different story all together!! Said weekend (full of birthday celebrations) ended up being a carb-fest!!

I'll go back to the start of that weekend, the friday night. We had people over at The Manor (our house) for drinks. As I recieved an excellent set of cosmopolitan glasses for my birthday, we drank cosmos all night. Sugar galore!

But, Saturday morning I redeemed myself with a GLORIOUS carb-free breakfast (yes, I should be on masterchef)
This breaky consisted of panfried onion and potato slices, 2 Fried eggs, 1/2 of a small Avocado (raw), 2 small quartered tomatoes (raw), and homemade hollandaise (told you, masterchef AS!)
It was oooouuuuuuuuutstanding :)

Anyway, all of that creative hard work went down the gurgler on Saturday night. A bunch of us went out to ChinaTown for birthday fun, and it all went down hill (and by down hill, of course i mean up hill!!) very quickly. The place we went was BYO, and so we stopped first to purchase many bottles of wine (very high carb content). We then proceeded to order mountains and mountains of dumplings (see picture), rice, and crispy chicken. In other words, carbs, carbs, carbs!
But oooooh were they gloriously good!
We then continued on to a karaoke bar where we continued the debauchery, and carb-laden drinks, then went to Fed Square, continued, then went to Lord of the Fries (AKA Lord of the Carbs), then went to the Crown Casino, kept drinking, made a classic 4am run to Maccas, then caught the night rider home and crawled into bed at around 7:30am....

The following morning I felt like I was in a carb infested HELL!! My body felt heavy and foul as it tried to digest all of the hideousness I had drunkenly forced into it....
Luckily though, I have been a good girl since. After being violently reminded of how it feels after I've loaded up, I am quite comfortable not going back there anytime soon.

So that's about it for now, told you I had sins to confess... What's my punishment? 10 Hail Marys?? Nah, I'm pretty sure the state I was in on Sunday was punishment enough.
I'm closing in on the 1/2 way point, yay me!! Till next time, be good! (and by good, i mean bad) Over n Out.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Raindrops on Roses, and Whiskers on Kittens!!

Two weeks down and I feel FANTASTIC!! I don't know if I look any different, or weigh any less, but I feel light as a feather, I'm sleeping better, and I never feel bloated - WIN!

So, this past week has been totes easy, in a hard way... that made no sense.... but I've been very proud of how well I've done!

This past week...actually AND the coming week, are all about theatre... Theatre, Theatre and more Theatre!! (I'll try to add as many 'theatre puns' in this post, as I can)

On Monday, one of my bext friends came home from Sydney, where he has been performing in West Side Story.. He arrived and exclaimed "Kiss Me Kate!", and then we all went out to dinner at... *gulp* La Porchetta!!
I quiet confidently ordered my chicken salad, and consumed it guilt free :)
I was surrounded by pizzas, chips, pasta "and all that jazz", but didn't even feel the urge to sneak "ONE, singular sensation-al" chip! Yay me!

Then on Friday night I went to see 'The Wiz', it was woeful, and so I had a wine. I think I earnt it; "I am still in shock, Who produced this shlock? That slimey, sleazy Max Bialystock... What a BUM!" (ps. he totes didnt really produce it)

Saturday night I was hanging out with some friends "somewhere" and was surrounded again, by pizza, chips and garlic bread. I decided (as I originally said I would give myself some night's off for special occasions) that I'd have a couple of naughty moments. So I had a couple of crackers with sundried tomatoes on them, and the most outrageously small serving of pasta I've ever seen - it pretty much wasn't even worth it. It would be lucky to have been 1/2 a cup :) And didn't eat "my favourite things"; pizza or garlic bread! Again, YAY! I also drank mineral water - no alcohol.

Sunday night I went to see West Side Story, in Melbourne, and had a couple of 'on the house' wines - it was opening night and I was mingling with the likes of Geoffery Rush, Rhonda Birchmore and Gina Ryley - I had to look like I was totes important and "Popular"!!

Annnyway, I'm in the theatre allll this week for our school production. Today, I was too busy to even realise I hadn't eaten... I assume the rest of the week will be just as busy so it's going to be easy for me to not eat carbs, coz I'm pretty much not going to be eating anything!! I took a manderine, dried fruit and a salad today and didn't realise till 4pm that I hadn't eaten, at which point I inhaled my salad :)

It should be a pleasently, theatrically, non-carb loaded week - and I am excited coz there's "No business like show-business"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 7 - One Week Down!

I have made it to the end of my first week in a reasonably comfortable fashion.

I’m going to liken the journey, thus far, to going for a drive in a Holden VL Commodore (circa ‘87). I mean, it goes alright, it runs in a reasonably efficient and unperturbed manner – disc brakes, power steering, FM radio and all that jazz. And although it doesn’t have the luxuries of the modern VY – no iPod connectivity, climate control or vegemite on toast, it does the trick – that is, it gets you from A to B.

This week my dinners included roasted veggie soup, a baked potato, veggie stir fry and chicken salad.
Breakfasts were cooked oats with cranberries, a berry smoothie or a veggie omelette.
Lunches were salads and left-overs, and snacks were dried fruit, nuts, carrots or celery.
A couple of my disciples (those who have decided to join me on my mission) have already buckled under the pressure, but these moments only make me stronger.
The feeling you get after someone offers you free KFC and you say “no” is better than ALL of the 11 herbs and spices put together!

After all NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 2 - Attack of the Knighted Pizza

Bonjoir n shit!!

So it's been less than 48 hours and I've already leapt over my first proverbial hurdle! Today I happily strolled into the staffroom at lunch time only to be confronted by something fact.. MONSTEROUS...

It went something like this:
I had just finished eating my celery whilst on yard duty and was making my way back to the staffroom. I had lost all feeling in my extremities and I was hurrying in anticipation of being reunited with the aforementioned feelings - and also of having an adult conversation.

(As opposed to the following which I had, only moments earlier, had with a student:
Jason: Miss, Trent called me a 'drama-fag'
Me: Trent, can you not use that word, it's extremely offensive
Student B: But he called me a dickhead! continued around in circles, as I'm sure you can imagine...)

As the staffroom door opened, my body warmed instantly thanks to the heaters, but straight away I realised something was happening that I hadn't mentally prepared myself for. Not at all. There was an aroma in the air that engulfed my lungs, tingled my nostrils, and viciously raped my tastebuds till my mouth was drowning in non-consensual saliva...

The students from the cooking class had decided to whip up fresh mushroom & asparagus soup and fresh homemade pizzas, bases and all, for all of their favourite teachers. There was literally a plate and a cup with my name on it...
Imagine if you will, a small pizza instantly sprouting mini muscley legs, and small yet masculine arms that bear a sword and a shield...
Imagine then, that this knighted pizza jumps up and stabs me right in the heart. Twice. That's what I imagined. And that's what it felt like.
Awkward for the other staff, seeing my obviously outrageous reaction to what would have appeared to them as ordinary pizzas.
Anyway, apart from that bullet, which I managed to artfully dodge (by simply running away) the past 2 days have been very successful and thus far, pleasant.

Till next time...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One week until Lift-off!!

No, I don't mean that weird faceless puppet 'lift-off' that we used to watch on TV as kids...

I mean, I have ONE WEEK left of eating the things that I LOVE!!

There are a few foods that I'm going to be fine going without, like chocolate, coz I don't eat much of it.. But then there are foods like BREAD *drool* that I looooooooove, this means
NO toast :(
NO salad sandwiches
NO homemade pizzas :( and
NO garlic bread :(
Ohhh GOD! What have I gotten myself into? Those are my FAVOURITE things!

On the bright side I do still get to have Chicken Salad, Roast, Soup and Baked Potatoes :) PHEW!!
I have a week to go, and tonight I'm eating fresh roasted-vegie soup... with 2 pieces of toast.... Next week, it'll be just soup... with oxygen.. and water...

I am not going to binge on bread this week, coz that'll just make my cravings twice as homo next week... So, I'm going to try to ease off....
Untill day 1..... Stay classy!